The perfect cocktail when you are recovering. Whether you are recuperating from surgery or a tough workout, this drip will bring your body the hydration and vitamins it needs to restore and recover well.
Ingredients: B Vitamins and Magnesium*
Saline hydrates & replaces electrolytes. Your body will thank you.
Magnesium and B vitamins support great neurological function. This will improve your focus and overall enrich your brain health.
Magnesium also promotes a healthy heartbeat, which is great for your blood and circulatory system health. This pumps more blood flow to your muscles, which leads to recovery.
B vitamins also boost your mood and energize you so you will feel great as you recover.
Learn about all of our nutrients here.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This service is only intended for healthy adults.