Hydrate like you mean it.
IV hydration offers fast and efficient results. Unlike drinking water, IV therapy delivers hydration directly into the bloodstream and can even replace electrolytes. From migraines to low energy to exercise recovery, IV hydration will leave you feeling refreshed and replenished.
Fuel your brain.
Hydration fights brain fog. Combine that hydration with a B vitamin complex, which supports neurological function, and you will see improved focus and memory and overall enriched brain health. Choose a drip with magnesium like Be Admyred for extra brain support.
Relieve pain.
Dehydration can leave your muscles and joints aching. Fluids bring relief. Enhance that relief with vitamins that aid the body in healing and relaxing muscles like magnesium, calcium, and ascorbic acid. For targeted pain relief, try our Be Relieved drip.
Flush toxins.
IV therapy provides hydration for your organs, which allows them to function well. That means your kidneys can remove waste and your liver can filter toxins. Find a drip with our amino blend, such as Be Strong, to give your kidneys and liver extra love.
Support your immune system.
Hydrating well will make your immune system sing. Add on our nutrient blends of natural and powerful immune system reinforcers like ascorbic acid, zinc, and B vitamins, and you’ll be prepared for anything that comes your way. Check out our Be Protected Immunity drip for targeted immune system support.
Boost your mood, combat stress, and fight fatigue.
Hydration plus nourishment makes a world of difference. All of our nutrient drips include B vitamins, which improve your mood, help you manage stress, and energize you. Try our Be Elevated drip for a mood lifter or Be Ready for an energy boost.
Absorb your vitamins.
Vitamins delivered by IV are absorbed up to three times more than those vitamins taken orally in a pill. In fact, you can tolerate a much larger amount of vitamins and nutrients through an IV than you can by taking them orally.
Help your heart.
Beyond the benefits of great hydration for your heart, our drips offer natural heart health help with nutrients like calcium, copper, amino acids, and magnesium. Try the Be Strong or Be Ready drips for some great cardiovascular health benefits.
Combat free radicals and aging.
Free radicals damage cells, causing aging and illness. Minerals like selenium and manganese, vitamins like ascorbic acid, and our amino blend all keep these free radicals in check. This is not to mention that hydration and vitamins like biotin and ascorbic acid will enhance your skin’s glow and help you grow stronger, healthier nails and hair. Try our Be Radiant drip for hydration and nutrients aimed at healthy hair, skin, and nails.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This service is only intended for healthy adults.