The Vitamins, Minerals, & Amino Acids In Our Drips
ARGININE- Arginine is an amino acid, (a substance that helps the body build protein,) that enhances heart health as it opens blood vessels. It also improves kidney function and helps the body maintain immune and hormone health.
ASCORBIC ACID- Ascorbic acid, more commonly known as vitamin C, is vital for recovery and healing. It is used to form blood vessels, collagen, muscles, and cartilage.
B VITAMINS- B Complex combats fatigue, improves mood and stress, enriches neurological and psychological functions, and may aid the body in cancer prevention.
B12- B12 is the best known of the B vitamins for being an energy-boosting and mood-lifting nutrient. This powerful vitamin helps create red blood cells and DNA and aids in the development of brain and nerve cells.
BIOTIN- Biotin, also known as B7, is a B vitamin that has amazing benefits for hair, skin, and nails. It can lead to thicker hair and stronger nails. It also keeps your mucous membranes in shape, which can give you more radiant skin.
CALCIUM- Calcium is most known for its role in maintaining healthy bones. It also improves cardiovascular health, helps relax muscles, and may even lower blood pressure.
CARNITINE- Carnitine is found in almost every cell of the body. It plays an important role in energy production. It also prevents toxin buildup in the body.
CITRULLINE- Citrulline is an amino acid, (a substance that helps the body build protein,) that is found in foods such as watermelon. It is an antioxidant and boosts nitric oxide production, which improves blood flow throughout the body. It is often taken to intensify exercise, improve athletic performance, and lower blood pressure.
COPPER- Copper is a mineral that helps the body absorb iron, makes red blood cells, keeps nerve cells healthy, regulates heart rate and blood pressure, and activates your immune system. It also maintains bones, organs, and tissues by forming collagen. Additional benefits include turning sugar to energy and preventing osteoporosis, anemia, and prostate inflammation.
GLUTAMINE- Glutamine is an amino acid, (a substance that helps the body build protein,) that aids organs in functioning well, especially the intestines. It also supports your immune system and may enhance exercise performance and muscle growth.
GLUTATHIONE- Glutathione, also known as GSH, is the ultimate antioxidant. When you think of antioxidants, think protecting the body from free radicals. Free radicals cause cell damage, which cause illness and aging. Glutathione may also prevent heart problems and Alzheimer’s Disease, among other health conditions. Additional benefits of glutathione include activating enzymes, creating and repairing DNA, and metabolizing toxins and caner-like substances. Learn more here.
LYSINE- Lysine is an amino acid, (a substance that helps the body build protein,) that is not naturally found in the body and must be obtained from food. It aids your body in tissue growth, muscle development, and even helps make carnitine. It also helps burn fat to energy, allows the body to better absorb some vitamins, increases collagen growth, and supports the immune system.
MAGNESIUM- Healthy magnesium levels promote great brain function, healthy heartbeat, and regulate muscle contractions.
MANGANESE- Manganese is a mineral that provides antioxidants, which protect the body from free radicals. It also supports strong bones, reduces blood sugar, and aids the body in healing.
NAD+- NAD+, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is critical to your body’s health. It is one of the most numerous and crucial molecules due to its role in creating energy and defending our bodies against aging and illness. Learn more here.
ORNITHINE- Ornithine is an amino acid, (a substance that helps the body build protein,) that works together with arginine and citrulline to remove waste from your kidneys. It also removes toxins from the liver. It may also enhance exercise.
SALINE- Saline is a salt and water solution, giving hydration and replenishing electrolytes.
SELENIUM- Selenium is a powerhouse antioxidant, reducing free radicals and protecting cells against damage. It also plays an important role in enhancing your immune system, assisting in your thyroid and metabolism health, and making DNA. You may even see reduction in your risk for certain cancers, protection against heart disease, improved asthma symptoms, and sharper memory.
ZINC- Zinc is great for immune and metabolism support. It also aids the body in healing wounds.

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