6 Tips For Your Blue Christmas

Depression can be difficult around the holidays. Sometimes the cold, dark days and memories and expectations of the Christmas season can even amplify feelings of sadness, depression, and/or anxiety. Here are some practical tips for you if you are struggling through a “Blue Christmas:”

  1. Get up and go- Depression steals your motivation to “get up and go.” It can be difficult to get out of bed, out of the house, or be around others. One way to fight this is to simply get up and go anyway. Plan a small outing. Some healthy options are to get out into nature for a walk or meet a friend. You could even consider setting a loose routine for yourself to follow each day to help pass each day with some structure.

2. Journal- Write down your feelings in a journal or diary. This can be an outlet for expressing emotions and processing difficult situations. You can also add a gratitude list, as thanksgiving has been shown to increase happiness. You can make this a written prayer or letter also.

3. Set small goals and rewards- When you’re depressed, your to-do list can feel overwhelming. Try setting small goals. Instead of aiming to clean the entire kitchen, try to clean the kitchen table. Instead of aiming to lose 50 pounds, try to exercise for thirty minutes three times this week. Set rewards for your efforts and celebrate your success.

4. Try an enjoyable activity- Depression can steal your joy and make activities that once felt life-giving now feel lifeless. Try a new activity that sounds fun or a creative class. Consider spending time in nature. Volunteering can also have positive effects.

5. Nourish your body- What we put in our bodies affects our moods, energy levels, and more. Assess your eating habits. Processed foods may be easy to eat, but it can leave you fatigued and missing key nutrients. More and more, try to steer towards whole foods and be sure to get your fruits and vegetables. And of course, stay hydrated.

6. Try a drip- Hydration and vitamins can boost your mood and help with body pain, focus, and more. Magnesium, B vitamins, and vitamin D have all been show to support a good mood. We would recommend Be Elevated, Purifi’s signature drip for mood or Be Rejuvenated, our NAD+ drip. NAD+ has been shown to have positive effects for individuals suffering from depression.

7. Talk to a professional- Don’t wait for someone else to tell you to get help. If you feel you need to talk to someone and get help, take the step and make the call. There is hope and help, and you don’t have to go at this alone.

8. Focus on what’s true- When your thoughts tell you lies like “You don’t belong” or “It would be easier to go away,” remind yourself of what is true. Try ”I am loved and valuable.” and “Better days are ahead.”

If you are fighting a desire to hurt yourself, call https://988lifeline.org/ for help.

Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/how-to-fight-depression


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