Vitamin C Spotlight

Many of us know vitamin C (ascorbic acid) for its immunity boosting properties. We know to grab an orange when we feel under the weather. Lately, dermatologists and cosmetic companies have been touting vitamin C as a great addition to an effective skincare routine.

Why does vitamin C work so well for these purposes? Vitamin C is used in our bodies to form blood vessels, collagen, muscles, and cartilage. It is essential for healing and recovery.

Here are some great benefits of vitamin C:

-Boosts immunity

-May reduce chronic disease risk

-May lower blood pressure and heart disease risk

-Prevents iron deficiency

-Creates glowing skin

(Source: )

Find vitamin C in our Be Admyred, Be Ready, Be Protected, Be Lean, Be Radiant, Be Elevated, Be Strong, and Be Relieved. Also try our high dose vitamin C add on in any drip or by itself! For a faster service, try The Shield Tri Immune Shot.


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