COPPER- A Powerhouse Mineral

What is the first thought you have when you hear the word “copper?” I think of pennies and electronics.

Copper is also a powerhouse mineral that helps the body absorb iron, makes red blood cells, keeps nerve cells healthy, regulates heart rate and blood pressure, and activates your immune system. It also maintains bones, organs, and tissues by forming collagen. Additional benefits include turning sugar to energy and preventing osteoporosis, anemia, and prostate inflammation. (See this WebMD article for more information and daily intake guidance:

Copper is not made by the body so it must be obtained through food or supplements. Some good food sources of copper include liver, oysters, shiitake mushrooms, nuts and seeds, lobsters, leafy greens, and dark chocolate (see Health Line for more).

Copper is a key ingredient in two of our signature drips, too. If you are looking for great absorption of copper, IV hydration and vitamin infusion can be a great option for you. Be Ready Energy Drip and Be Strong Performance and Recovery Drip are both great options for IV drips that include copper.

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