Vitamin D
Did you know that your vitamin D absorption might be lower during summer? You may know that out bodies can make vitamin D as we spend time outside in the sun, but did you know that sunscreen can block our ability to make vitamin D from the sun? Pollution and limited time outdoors can also decrease your vitamin D levels. So how do you know if you are deficient in vitamin D, and how do you increase your vitamin D intake?
Vitamin D Infographic
Signs Of Vitamin D Deficiency include fatigue, aches, pains, and severe muscle pain or weakness.
Sources of vitamin D include canned tuna, salmon, sunshine, cod liver oil, and egg yolks.
Benefits of vitamin D include increasing bone and muscle health, brain health, and immunity health. Vitamin D helps to regulate and boost your mood, acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and may reduce your disease risk. It also allows you to experience the benefits of calcium.
You can find vitamin D at Purifi IV in The Sunshine, our vitamin D shot.