B Well With B Vitamins

Let’s be honest. We love all vitamins. There’s something special about B vitamins, though.

Here are a few things B vitamins do for us:
Break down food to turn into energy
Support skin and cell health
Reduce heart disease
Improve mood
Increase concentration
Reduce brain fog
Energize the body

B1- Thiamine- Turns food to energy

B2- Riboflavin- Turns food to energy

B3- Niacin- Turns to food to energy, Helps DNA Creation, Skin Health, and More

B5- Pantothenic Acid- Healthy Hormones, Growth

B6- Pyridoxine- Involved in over 100 enzyme reactions in cells all over the body, Reduces heart disease risk

B7- Biotin- Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

B9- Folic Acid/Folate- Growth and Development, Very important for pregnant and nursing mothers

B12- Cobalamin- Energy

Our bodies do not store a great deal of B vitamins in our bodies so we get most of the B vitamins we need through diet and supplements.

Here are some great ways to get B vitamins in your diet:

B1- Pork, sunflower seeds, and wheat germ

B2- Organ meats, beef, and mushrooms

B3- Chicken, tuna, and lentils

B5- Liver, fish, and avocado

B6- Chickpeas, salmon, and potatoes

B7- Yeast, eggs, salmon

B9- Leafy greens, liver, and beans

B12- Meat and seafood, eggs, and dairy

And of course, if you would like to get B vitamins through an IV or injection, we at Purifi IV can help.

Every drip except for NAD+ and simple fluids include our signature B vitamin complex. Get a little extra B12 in our Be Ready Energy vitamin infusion and a little extra B7 in our Be Radiant Hair, Skin, and Nails vitamin infusion. Find B vitamins in our shots like The Energizer B12 injection and The Glow B7 injection.

We hope to see you soon!

Sources: https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/vitamin-b-complex#symptoms-of-deficiency, https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/vitamins/vitamin-b/


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